quotes .

Powerful Motivational Quotes In Marathi

Written by Bon Jeva Dec 05, 2022 · 3 min read
Powerful Motivational Quotes In Marathi

Marathi is a beautiful language spoken in the state of Maharashtra, India. It has a rich literature and history, and is known for its powerful and inspiring quotes. In this article, we will share with you 10 motivational quotes in Marathi that can help you stay motivated and focused in life.

Table of Contents

+101 Best Motivational Quotes In Marathi मराठी प्रेरणादायक सुविचार
+101 Best Motivational Quotes In Marathi मराठी प्रेरणादायक सुविचार from marathijournal.in


Marathi is a beautiful language spoken in the state of Maharashtra, India. It has a rich literature and history, and is known for its powerful and inspiring quotes. In this article, we will share with you 10 motivational quotes in Marathi that can help you stay motivated and focused in life.

Why Motivational Quotes are Important?

Motivational quotes are important because they help us stay focused on our goals and aspirations. They inspire us to take action and give us the courage to face challenges and overcome obstacles. They remind us of our potential and help us stay positive and optimistic in the face of adversity.

10 Powerful Motivational Quotes in Marathi

1. "आपलं जीवन नक्कीच एक शतक आहे, त्यात आपण काय बोलतो आणि काय करतो ते महत्त्वाचं आहे." (Our life is definitely a century, what we say and what we do in it is important.)

2. "आपली भाषा आपला व्यक्तिमत्व आहे." (Our language is our personality.)

3. "भविष्यात कित्येक वेळा गरजेचं समज येतं, पण आपल्या जवळच्या गरजेचं समज असतं." (We often understand the needs of the future, but the understanding of our own needs is important.)

4. "असं वाटतंय की शुभ्र आणि निराश्रय हा जग आपल्यासाठी निराशाचं देखील अवस्थापन करतं." (It seems that the world is full of happiness and disappointment, but it is important for us to maintain our optimism even in difficult times.)

5. "सफलतेची सोपी रिक्त स्थान असतं, पण त्यासाठी सध्याचं काम करावं." (Success is an empty space, but it is important to work for it now.)

6. "जीवन कायमचं एक चुकीचं आहे, ती आपण आज बदलू शकतो." (Life is always a mistake, which we can change today.)

7. "आपल्या जीवनात आपण शिवाय कोणताही व्यक्ती आणि वस्तू नाही." (There is no one and nothing in our life without us.)

8. "बाळासारखं नाही, पण असंही आपण आरामात राहु शकतो." (We may not be children, but we can still rest.)

9. "आपल्या जीवनात आपण जे करतो ते आपणासाठी महत्त्वाचं आहे." (What we do in our life is important for us.)

10. "आपलं संघर्ष आपलेलं एकमेव दोस्त आहे, तो आपणास नव्हे तर आपणाचं जीवन विराट बाळगायला मदत करतं." (Our struggle is our only friend, it helps us to live a great life even if we are not new.)

Question and Answer

Q: How can motivational quotes help us in our daily life?

A: Motivational quotes can help us stay focused on our goals and aspirations, give us the courage to face challenges and overcome obstacles, remind us of our potential and help us stay positive and optimistic in the face of adversity.

Q: What is the significance of Marathi language?

A: Marathi language is significant because it has a rich literature and history, and is known for its powerful and inspiring quotes that can motivate and inspire people.


In conclusion, motivational quotes in Marathi language can help us stay motivated and focused in life. The above mentioned quotes can inspire and motivate us to achieve our goals and aspirations. We hope that these quotes will help you stay positive and optimistic in life.

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